What is God calling you to do?
What kind of person will you become along the way?

We believe that everyone has a calling from God, something that he asks you to do in order for you to become more who he made you to be, and to see his kingdom come in the world. For many, that will be in your homes, schools, universities and workplaces, amongst the people you spend time with, and through the work of your hands there. For some, it will be within the church in an ordained capacity, leading his people in worship and witness.

We want to be a community that encourages everyone to discover their unique calling from God, to be equipped to carry it out every day, and to be filled by the Holy Spirit to give them boldness, faith, and perseverance.


www.ambassadors2020.org is an online resource provided by the Diocese of London in partnership with Premier. It shares stories of stories of people living out their faith in everyday life. It’s also a resource hub for churches looking to equip and commission people for that calling.

London Callings is an online resource to help people like you explore a calling to ministry in a church context. Take a look at some of the stories of ordinary people serving God in extraordinary ways across the capital.

Arise is a movement to encourage and support young women into church leadership within the HTB family of churches, which we're proud to support.

Come and chat to Jon, our Vicar, or any of the team, if you would like to discuss and pray about your calling, or find out about the next steps in pursuing church ministry. We know that so often this is worked out in conversation with others, supported and encouraged by those around us.